Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is a 529 College Savings Plan?

A 529 college savings plan is a state managed college savings fund with tax benefits. Read more here http://www.savingforcollege.com/intro_to_529s/what-is-a-529-plan.php

Friday, November 19, 2010

Life Insurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients

Life insurers are testing an intensely personal new use for the vast dossiers of data being amassed about Americans: predicting people's longevity.

Insurers have long used blood and urine tests to assess people's health—a costly process. Today, however, data-gathering companies have such extensive files on most U.S. consumers—online shopping details, catalog purchases, magazine subscriptions, leisure activities and information from social-networking sites—that some insurers are exploring whether data can reveal nearly as much about a person as a lab analysis of their bodily fluids.

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704648604575620750998072986.html#ixzz15kASyVV7

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Business Owners Need to Reward and Retain Thier Employees

Today's job market is volatile. Un-employment is at the highest levels in 30 + years. If you are run your own business and depend on employees to help run that business, then you know that offering more compensation in this contracted economy may not be an option. Increases in payroll mean increasing in matching federal and state income taxes for each employee.

One viable option for you to consider is to offer your employees additional insurance benefits. This will make them feel appreciated and looked after. (Studies show that the number 1 reason that employees switch jobs, is that they feel under appreciated and not cared for.) In today's growing employee benefit market there are a number of insurance benefits available for employers to offer their employees.
-Critical Illness/Cancer Insurance
-Short and Long Term disability
-Long Term Care Coverage
-Deferred Compensation Plans
-Group Life Insurance
-Medigap Policies to Cover Gaps in Major Medical plans

Depending on the structure of the business, plans may be able to offer tax savings to employers. No matching of federal or state taxes will be necessary and the implied value of these benefits in the mentality of the employee adds morale to the work force. These plans can be paid by employers, shared employee/employer costs, or group opt in plans paid 100% by the employee. For more information on this subject or a free analysis and quote for your business contact us at www.aarowfinancial.com.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Long Term Care Insurance?

Why long term care insurance??? If you can afford to pay for Long Term Care Insurance you should probably have it. On the other hand, if you have less than $30,000 in assets as a single person, $80,000 in assets if you are married, then LTC might not be a necessity and very well maybe a budget -buster.

The average cost of a month's stay in a full-time Nursing Facility can range between $3,000 and $10,000. If you have a home health aide come to your home just three days a week, the costs can be more than $20,000 a year. In some areas of the country these costs can be much higher.
These exorbitant costs can quickly deplete your life savings and assets. Medicare does not cover long term nursing facility or home health assistance. You must spend down your savings and assets to qualify for Medicaid, which will help cover your LTC expenses.

LTC insurance is about more than protecting your money and assets, it also provides you with piece of mind. You can rest assured that you and your family can get the best care available, and that you will not be a financial burden on them.

Monday, November 1, 2010

TIP OF THE DAY: 1 in 5 workers end up disabled at some pt in career. Have you looked at your employer's disability insurance lately?

Go to our disability insurance needs calculator on our disability insurance page to find out if you have enough coverage.